Healing Music and Vibrations
Healing music and Healing vibrations may be the best discovery in modern science when it comes to its potential for how it could work in the future. Dr. Leo Horowitz (filmmaker with four best-selling books and 21 award-winning books) said that one day in the near future we might be walking into a booth at the mall, not unlike a photo booth, and will press a button. It will scan our bodies for vibrations of illness and infirmities. Then it will play countering vibrations that will literally heal us almost completely in a few minutes because of how finely tuned the sound healing will be. Sound might one day completely heal us in a matter of minutes. We are already starting to see some of sound’s healing potential being used today.
Sound might one day completely heal us in a matter of minutes.
Sound and healing vibrations are already being used in chiropractic care to literally realign the spine virtually on its own. They relax muscles. It is used for mental health with sound waves, binaural beats, music therapy, and biofeedback. Music helps in achieving meditation states easier. It also helps with sleep, brain injuries, A.D.H.D and A.D.D., destroying cancer cells fast, healing of wounds with M.I.S.T. Technology, and growing healthier vegetables and plants with classical music. Sound can cancel out negative sounds like loud voices for a better atmosphere and so you can have music in the front seat of a car but not in the back seat without having a wall or window separating it (classical guitarist Manuel Barrueco once played in a commercial using this technology).
Healing music and Healing vibrations may be the best discovery in modern science
It can be used for brain-wave balancing between hemispheres in the brain, digital imaging of the inside of our bodies, regenerating DNA, even controlled levitation of drops of water has been accomplished with sound waves in science. Levitation may soon even be possible for humans or automobiles as well because of sound technology.
We are already starting to see some of sound’s potential being used today.
In history, many cultures believed music to be the most important of all the potential technologies developed by their society. This is partially because many believed in the effects of healing music and vibrations. It is also one of the things that scientists found in studies to be the most important tool used for mental health and satisfaction in life out of everything else. Nothing works better than music to get us feeling better consistently according to studies. You probably have experienced some of the benefits of music and sound yourself. We all knew it was fun to listen to music. But, now we know there is a science behind all of that too. God works in mysterious ways!
God works in mysterious ways!
Also, remember that everything is essentially vibration and each vibration affects the vibrations near it that it contacts. Even we are vibrations. Therefore, sound, which is also vibration, is not surprisingly able to improve the vibrations it contacts. We even naturally perceive it as being beautiful so it really makes sense that it would help!
We all knew it was fun to listen to music. But, now we know there is a science behind all of that too.
I performed my recently released album “Little Miracles” using a tuning system that is known for enhancing the healing effect of music. It even regenerates DNA and causes other benefits like getting our brains into relaxed meditative states. This is great for focusing while studying or for things like sleep and relaxation.
Here is the link to my album:
Not surprisingly, animals often like this tuning system and sometimes react very excitedly to music tuned to this tuning system. They are much more in tune with healing music and vibrations in nature than humans are normally. Animals love music! Even though I heard about animals reacting to this tuning system, I was shocked when three birds came to my window and sang while I played music the first time I tuned my guitar to this tuning system! Also, my dog used to avoid coming into my studio until I started using it. Now she comes and sits with me every time I use this tuning and her ears perk up whenever I play 528hz(a frequency known for its healing qualities).
Animals love music!
Don’t forget that God provides healing oftentimes through the science of nature just as it says about Him in the Bible that He is the same as He has always been and always will be. He is a healer. Below is a picture of me and my dog Delilah. She is a sweetheart!
I was shocked when three birds came to my window and sang while I played music the first time I tuned my guitar to this tuning system!
I think you would enjoy my album “Little Miracles”! Plus, now it is available for any price (Even Free!) So check it out on my Bandcamp page. While your there, check out the link to my Zazzle store and see if you can find some merchandise you like from my Crayfish Clan collection. There are t-shirts, mugs, totes, stickers, bumper stickers, etc. All of it supports my ministry/business and I also give 20% of proceeds to charities. Get some healing music and vibrations into your life!
Here is the link to my album again:
I hope you have a great day with many healing sounds in it! Studies have even shown that music can help with improving immunity from illness so this is a great time to benefit from some healing music, especially with the potential risk of Covid-19 and other illnesses existing! Stay healthy and keep seeking the great tools and healing methods that God has provided!
There is more samples of me playing music at:
I will continue to pray for your health and for all God’s children to be healthy, and I will keep trying to produce healing music for you! I’m releasing my next album soon. I recorded it at the same time as “Little Miracles”. It is the sequel to “Little Miracles”. Be on the lookout for it and keep checking back here for more releases and tips on wellness. Remember we are all in this together and we can make this world a better place with our actions, words, and our prayers! God is waiting for us to align our vibration with His blessings! Get in His rays of vibration blessings today!