

N.C. Classical Guitarist/Poet David Michael Cray’s Books Page

Hi Crayfish Clan,

I just wanted to let you all know that I have some publications that I have been published in. There are also some books coming out soon. You would enjoy reading them.  I have been writing poetry since 1990. Meanwhile, I have written hundreds of poems and lyrics.  Be on the lookout for more books and publications of mine coming out soon! If you get the chance, check out the publications that I have been in in the past!

N.C. Classical Guitarist/Poet David Michael Cray (that is me) has been published in three coffee table books and in Brevard College’s “Chirascuro Magazine”.

I received an “Honorable Mention” in “Chirascuro Magazine’s” poetry competition in 2000. The coffee table books I have been published in were:


2008: The International Library of Poetry’s “Best Poems and Poets of 2007” . Edited by Howard Ely; This seems to be out of print. It was an award I got for my poem that was in “Surrender To The Moon” to be in this book.

2007: Noble House’s “Centres of Expression”;  This book is available on Amazon and all proceeds of this book go to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital.  Just click on the title to take you to its Amazon page.

Centres of Expression 2007 Noble House Publication N.C. Classical Guitarist and Poet David Michael Cray was published in.


2005: The International Library of Poetry’s “A Surrender to the Moon”. Edited by Howard Ely. This is available on Ebay.


2005 "A Surrender To The Moon" Publication by International Library of Poetry that N.C. Classical Guitarist and Poet David Michael Cray was published in.

I also have two full-length poetry and lyric books that I am preparing to publish soon.

The first one “From Darkness to Light” is a collection of Christian poems and lyrics intended to be inspiring, educational and entertaining.

The second book (title to be announced later) is a secular collection of tasteful poems and lyrics I have written.  Don’t worry, it is still PG, just not overtly religiously oriented.

I will post links to the books I publish on this page and they will be located in the store I will add to this website and I plan on getting them in all the online stores like Amazon once they come out too.  You can get reminders about them in my newsletter.

Fill out the form below for my newsletter to hear more about me and what I do. You’ll also get updates on upcoming performances and releases of books, other publications I’m published in, CDs, digital downloads, cool merchandise, and more Crayfish Clan Subscriber bonuses.

I also plan to include some music tips and inspirational tidbits in my newsletter to try to share some of what I’ve learned about mental health and well-being from my training as a mental health support specialist and from life lessons I’ve learned in my years here below heaven.

It’s a fun community of my extended-extended Crayfish family, as I consider you all part of the family I will one day get to enjoy Heaven with!  Sign up now!

You can also check out all my stuff that I have available on my STORE page on this website. Here is the link below:

N.C. Classical Guitarist/Poet David Michael Cray’ store page :  https://davidmichaelcray.com/store

If you would like to contribute monetarily to N.C. Classical Guitarist/Poet David Michael Cray’s work. Then you can give through the following Paypal.me link:


Header photo of Beach and Sea Oats (2018 Emerald Isle, N.C.) is by Dianne Dailey Cray (my wife).

Page Photo of Myself and my dog Delilah On a Bridge (2017 Hungry Mother State Park) is also by Dianne Dailey Cray.

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